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Kaisa Pietilä

Bodily oriented cognitive psychotherapist
Psychotherapy trainer & supervisor
Special education teacher
Adventure educator

Kaisa Pietilä

Bodily oriented cognitive psychotherapist
Psychotherapy trainer & supervisor
Special education teacher
Adventure educator

Kaisa Pietilä

Bodily oriented cognitive psychotherapist
Psychotherapy trainer & supervisor
Special education teacher
Adventure educator


My work approach is gender-sensitive, holistic and body-oriented. I follow the principles of safer space at my office.

I respect and nurture the diversity of humanity and nature.

I work both outdoors and indoors and remotely. I am based in Kuopio and I work both in Finnish and in English.




– Application of cognitive psychotherapy methods in the education, social and health care sectors

– Adventure education/adventure therapy

– Reflective work approach

– Building a safe group

– Bodily approach in cognitive psychotherapy

Free webinars on Outward Bound Finland ry’sYouTube channel:

Reflection in experience pedagogy 

Building a safe group 

Ask for more information and ask for an offer for your group!


Psychotherapy is goal-oriented cooperative method aimed at helping the client to live according to the values of their life. The aim of therapy is to understand the customer’s experience, life history, emotions, practices and their connection to symptoms. The goal is always to develop one’s self-reflection capabilities. The work involves getting to know one’s own feelings and needs and practicing behavioral patterns.

In psychotherapy, I apply methods of cognitive psychotherapy and bodily oriented psychoterapy. Working methods are selected according to the customer’s needs. 

I am a legalised psychotherapist (Valvira) and a service provider of Kela. 

My psychotherapy appointment is currently fully booked.


In adventure therapy, I combine various methods of adventure education and cognitive psychotherapy. Adventure therapy is group-based and intense: the group spends part of the therapy in the wilderness. Adventure therapy is holistic and deeply experiental. 

“I believe this was a life-changing experience.  It was empowering to share your own difficult things with others in an accepting atmosphere. I got to experience social situations in a group where it was safe and I wasn’t scared. Maybe reminiscing on this could make things easier in the future. I also had the experience that my fears are not exceptional, but others also have them. I’m not alone with it anymore.”
-Adventure therapy participant


Professional supervision aims to strengthen reflectivity. Its central objective is a conscious way of working. Professional supervision can be case-based work guidance or focus on, for example, practicing the method, coping with work or other relevant, topical themes. I like to do practical exercises. In professional guidance, I apply methods of cognitive psychotherapy and bodily oriented psychotherapy, as well as drama pedagogy.

Professional supervision can be individual or group-formatted. I am happy to work on the use of psychotherapy methods in education and social services.